It's about getting ahead in this new world
The world changing faster than ever, information is key to making the right decisions. We are also continually evolving to provide the most relevant and essential business decisions to our customers.
  • Save
    raising funds secured by financial and non-financial assets.
  • Multiply
    independent investment with direct access to the market, personal financial advice and trust management.
  • Transfer
    transferring a fortune as an inheritance in a practical way in an individually structured form.
The company has been in the business of helping companies grow, protect their assets and create significant value. Our team maintains the focus of making the world a better place by supporting organizations that offer unique products and delivering these products to all regions of the world. Providing people with opportunities to excel, earn wealth and experience a joyful life, is our goal.
Investment Phylosophy
It's about getting ahead in this new world
  • Long Term
    Our investment approach relies heavily on quality research and information, and the deep experience of our investment professionals who make investment decisions that best reflect our market views.
  • Focus on value
    Our choice of investments is backed by a thoughtful and thorough selection process that focuses on the intrinsic value and growth potential of each investment
  • Risk Management
    Recognizing that risk inherently drives returns, we limit downside risks through proper analysis, monitoring and portfolio diversification. We also acknowledge that our fiduciary responsibility to our clients entails providing investment solutions that match their respective risk profiles, expressed in terms of their willingness and ability to take risks.
"Do more of what brings results, and less of what does not bring" (Dennis Gartman)
How it Works
Every investment you make in our projects helps developing by funding entrepreneurs working hard to grow their businesses.
  • Choosing projects that fit your needs
    That gives you the unique opportunity to invest in these entrepreneurs in the form of projects with our support.
  • Get your money back plus interest
    Once your project is fully funded, you’ll start receiving principal repayments from your original investment plus interest every six months, unless otherwise specified.
  • Investing in entrepreneurs to develop markets
    By investing in entrepreneurs in emerging markets, you’re stimulating local economies, creating jobs, and providing new opportunities.
Contact us
Ask your question in form below
Phone: +374 91 154515
e-mail: office@onfleeg.com
of 93, 8 Orbeli Yeghbairneri St., Yerevan, RA